Blur Sotong
Sunday, September 30, 2007I am blur enough can can can?
Taken from
Wang LeeHom is now in J8, just outside my workplace. And here I am, listening to FM93.3's 醉心龙虎榜 and blogging at home. Tsk tsk tsk. I thought LeeHom is only going to J8 next Sunday. And I purposely put my schedule on (next!) Sunday, which I dun normally, unless like for an instance, LeeHom will be there.
I am a 忠实听众 of 醉心龙虎榜. Plus, there will be a special guest - LeeHom too. And just when I thought I could get a glimpse of the international superstar and how the whole radio show is run, I am currently at home, listening to the on air broadcast. Tsk tsk tsk.
And WanQi just called to remind me that I'm a blur sotong. Not that she said I'm blur, but she want me to help her get LeeHom's autograph.
OMG OMG OMG... LeeHom just mentioned my F4 on air!
Ok ok, dun side-track le. But HD is lucky not to have me working today, coz I'll sure be looking out of the shop. I remembered how a customer was just in front of me and yet I didn't know he was calling for me, just because I was too focussed on the event outside.
Can some more superstars come to J8 to do more autograph sessions? I promise not to be so sotong in future, in case I miss out my favourite idols...