Damn Her.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007I'd rather dun work (on that day) than to work with A. She is real damn sickening can. I just can't stand her. Luckily I'm taking study leave soon. Plus I won't see her this week anymore.
She is so inflexible lors. We were doing a creation at that time. I put whipped cream at the side of the waffle basket (instead of at the top of the ice-cream), so that when you stick the apple slices in the whipped cream, it won't fall (coz it's not like sticking in mid air). But she was so damn gey kiang. She went to put the apple slices on the side where there was no ice-cream for the apple to lean on. So the apple slices were still sticking in mid air. And she still asked why I put the whipped cream there. If I had know that you were so stupid, I won't put the whipped cream there. I'll squeeze the whipped cream in your empty brain, to fill up the emptiness.
I know it's pretty hard to visualize my previous paragraph. I think only A herself will know what I'm saying about, coz it was just a mere description of her illogicalness. Whatever! Just let me vent out my anger can?
I go all silence whenever the person I dun like is around me. But please dun 对号入座, my friends, coz there are always other factors as to why I'm quiet.
J: Eh A, why your friend so quiet?Can she just stay away from me...
A: I also dunno leh. Eh Jean, why you so quiet?
Me: [Didn't bother. Coz she's NOT my friend.]