
Monday, March 12, 2007

I went GV Bishan to watch Just Follow Law after work on Saturday. The movie wasn't too bad, but if you were to compare it with other JTeam's productions, this was definitely not as good as the previous ones. Not that this was not good. There were some parts that were hilarious, such that the 笑点 was superb. Oh ya, the bo chup lady was very funny. And hey, the security guard actually clamped a fire engine and asked how to spell 'VIP'. Nevertheless, there were some scenes that lacks interesting stuffs. Those touching scenes weren't very touching.

If I wanted touching movies, Hearty Paws should be a better one. My eyes felt teary when I saw the owner abandoning the dog. 我的死穴就是看到狗狗受委屈。

Mr Bean's Holiday is definitely a must-see. It is so funny, just by watching the advertisement.

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  1. Yup! I MUST watch Mr Bean's holiday too.. This is a MUST...


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