I Did These Coz I Cared

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

He likes to dig all the woodshed to one side. And I like to put it back for him. He likes to hide his food under the woodshed. And I like to uncover it and place it back in the food bowl. He likes to move his "furniture" around. And I like to arrange it back for him.


I have a habit of putting woodshed on HamHam when I have nothing to do.

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  1. U bad ar!!! Bully him.. Bury him later he suffocate to death then u know.. ABUSE ANIMALS ACT!!!

  2. He is too fast and clever for me to suffocate him.
    Btw, I loved him so much. How would I do such things...
    He getting older liao. :x

  3. Dun cry if he die one day.... it's so scary..


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