Cute Cavy

Monday, March 24, 2008

Went to Thomson Plaza with my mum just now. It's quite renovated lah, but the shops are quite boring... There's really nothing to buy.

I treated my mum to lunch at Swensen's.

Some sort of pumpkin soup-of-the-day. Ewww... cheat my feelings.

My Cafe Latte. :)

Prawn Dippers.

Crayfish Pasta.

Curry Chicken Baked Rice.

Sticky chewy chocolate ice-cream.

Shopped around after lunch. As expected, I went to the pet shop there. And and and, I saw a very very cute guinea pig. It's so small can. The shop owner is very kind. He let me take photo of the guinea pig and rabbit. He even opened the cage for me to touch. Orhhhhh... so cute.

Cute guinea pig. It's only 1 month old. I kept telling my mum I wanna buy. But the person said it's better not to have 2 living together. My mum say can only buy if I throw away XiaoBai. Then of coz I dun want to buy le lah. But I kept thinking of it...

My mum asked the person how old a guinea pig can live. Then the person said...
We were shocked. That means XiaoBai will live longer than us?!

In the end, it is...

I know this picture is very blur. But no choice, coz the rabbit kept running about. It's fur is so soft, just like baby's hair.

Went to Popular and saw Felicia Chin. Then headed home.

Still thinking of that 1 month old guinea pig now...

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