Ken Lee

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I was browsing through some blogs and came upon this video - Bulgarian show "Music Idol". Her name is Valentina Hasan. According to her, the song that she was singing is called "Ken Lee", and not "Without You". The name, however, holds some percentage of 亲切感.

It's no longer a matter of good voice or what, but it is definitely of high entertainment value. She was, of course disqualified in the auditions, but was asked to perform that song in the show again. By that time, her pronunciation did improve a bit, but the audiences wanted to hear it originally. They even sang along the most classic part - "Ken Lee tulibu dibu douchoo".

Is she the second William Hung?

Do watch it. :p

Mariah Carey's "Without You"
Valentina Hasan's "Ken Lee"

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