Thursday, December 22, 2005休息 = 做一些你不常做 / 不在你的工作范围的事。
休息 ≠ 睡和吃。
I heard this on the radio yesterday night. It's not the exact phrase but surely you are not so stupid to not to understand the meaning, right? The DJs also mention that they think holidays are to relax and rest. I damn agree with them. If only their suggestions are "heard", then we won't have to suffer so much.
Today is 冬至. Have you eaten your 汤圆? We are all one year older now... But 汤圆 is not tasty leh. Especially those with no fillings. I almost vomited when I tried to swallow them down.
Have you heard Machi's new album? You have to listen to 没办法 (track 02). The female voice mixes so well with the male voices...
~ 音量加倍放大 屋顶在摇晃 ~
~ 音量加倍放大 舞池快爆炸 ~