The Dream

Saturday, December 03, 2011

I just tweeted:

Alright, I wanted to pen down my dream on this blog so much after tweeting the above. But since I'm not going to do anything until around 10 years later (lol!), it seems exaggerating and too farfetched to pen down whatever I want to do at this point in time.

The reason for wanting to write about my dream is so that I can look back to this "dreaming" period in the future and be proud about my perseverance and sense of fulfillment.

But since I'm really serious about this dream and I'm sure I won't forget it, this archive shall end here. :)

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  1. It will be fufiled :) wink! Cos I had this same dream as u. And I can't believe it. Let's work hard towards it 2020!:))

    You know who

  2. Damm. 2020 seems so far away. :D

  3. Yea! But imagine the happiness and excitement to fufilling it. Something to continue living for in this boring world. Hahaha!

  4. Yeap true :) I hope 2020 comes soon though it means we will get old too lol...


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