Talk so much and sing so much
Friday, October 10, 2008
Went out with April yesterday. Someone is so busy that she's only free on my last weekday of my holidays lor. Haha.
Had lunch-cum-coffee at The Connoisseur Concerto @ Suntec City. We were the only customers for more than an hour. I like it.
The food menu.
April decided to arrange a star using the sugar packs.
We were definitely not doing any rituals.
Hey, that's my name. I just remembered me swiping away your name when the food came. And oops, we didn't arrange it back...
Baked Chicken Mushroom Linguine. It's really delicious can. I dun really like too cheesy food but this is really good.
Tropical Tamarind Chicken. The sauce, chicken, fruit salad and potato is all too awesome. I'm sure the asparagus tastes good, but it's a pity I dun eat that.
April's Mighty Joe Young.
My Iced Kaffello Latte. I was provided with a spoon to use for eating the coffee jelly. But the jelly was so soft that I could just sip it up. Nice coffee!
We occupied the so called grandest seats of all. Above the red curtain in the background was a mirror that is erm... so many by so many. The width and length, I mean. It's just too huge.
So we sat there for around 2 hours and chatted a lot, as well as on the way to each destinations. I had so many gossips to tell her and she had stories to tell me too. My gossips will remain as entertainment for both of us. Haha. And for your stories... well, just forget everything that is unhappy. Remember to choose ulu places to go for your ---- next time. And, screw him. Haha. :)
Walked past Suntec's HD to take a look at how it looks. So small can. I'll cry if I work there can. I dun want to say "Excuse me" whenever I serve ice-cream to customers lah. Our backroom is already very small. And it appears that there is no backroom there. Or it's just to small for me to notice. Anyway, I saw my HV supervisor there. So we chatted a while before finding our way to K Box. Next time then go HV to find you...
Walked past Suntec's HD to take a look at how it looks. So small can. I'll cry if I work there can. I dun want to say "Excuse me" whenever I serve ice-cream to customers lah. Our backroom is already very small. And it appears that there is no backroom there. Or it's just to small for me to notice. Anyway, I saw my HV supervisor there. So we chatted a while before finding our way to K Box. Next time then go HV to find you...
Went for K Happy at K Box @ Suntec City after the very filling lunch.
We were so high yesterday, especially when it comes to singing 卢广仲's songs.
對啊 對啊 對啊 對啊 對啊 對啊 對啊 對啊 ~~~~~~~
好不好 不知道 好不好 答答答答答答答答答 ~~~~~~~
This mini bowl of snacks that we didn't finish costs $6.
My Lime Juice and Iced Milo.
April's Longan Red Dates Tea.
Had a walk around after singing. I walked past this shop so many times but I've never had a try at it. So here's it.
This was taken from our sofa seats that was hidden in the inner most corner of the shop. So it looks kinda out of place.
The menu.
"Cottage Waffle Place Rocks"
Choco Fudge Waffle, Ham & Cheese Waffle and Triple Chocolate ice-cream.
Ham & Cheese Waffle
April and Me
There are so many notes on every walls. How long did they take to paste all...