Slack Day
Monday, June 11, 2007Worked today. It was super and duper slack. It's been a few weeks since I've worked on Mondays. My prediction was accurate. People normally have Monday blues. So, there shouldn't be too many people eating ice-cream, unless you want to think that ice-cream can probably drive away their blues. I've been saying so much coz I wanna come to a conclusion - I want to work on next Monday also. Haha.
I bought an ice-cream pint again today.
There is my name on the lid. Haa... it's my pint. One and only.
Mama mia... Cookies Chocolate and Vanilla Caramel Brownie.
When I was leaving and packing my stuff, I suddenly felt that I do hate really her. She thinks she is very big after working for more than half a year. She thinks she is very humorous and that I really do think she's funny. She dun think she is blocking anyone by sitting there and blocking other people's bags. But she thinks we are blocking her whenever we just stand in front of her, regardless how long we stood. 5 seconds also counts as blocking. She didn't bother to say 'Excuse Me' when she wants to cross, so why should I even care? I will be showing her "face" in future if she's going to make me feel disgusted by her actions. She better not make me have that feeling of puking into her face. I dun care if she's going to read this. I just hope I dun be so suay to work a lot with her.
When I was leaving and on the way to the MRT after throwing the rubbish, I saw a cute dog. Shih Tzu, I think. I wanted to take out my handphone to capture that dog's picture. But I kinda think it's awkward to stop there and take out my phone. So, I asked K to help me. I forgot to tell him to zoom. LOL.